Division Contest (Part 1)

The Division F Contest occurred a few evenings ago. As usual, I rushed to the venue straight from work, which meant I was there a full hour early, and I wasn’t even competing! Wandering around in the lobby, I turned around to come face to face with none other than Paula who had traveled far and wide just to attend this event.

It was an evening of highs, excitement, personal flub-ups and shock and awe. Continue reading

Taking that Leap of Video

In hindsight, this Christmas was chuckle worthy. The DVD’s of the Humorist Contest had arrived in the mail (many thanks to those who put it together). Every single time we had friends and family over to celebrate the holidays, I knew it was only a matter of time before I heard this line.

“You know she won the Humorist Contest right? We have the DVD! Shall we go and watch her winning speech?” Continue reading


A couple of months ago a fellow Toastmaster asked me an interesting question. She asked me where I got my sense of humour from, my mother or father? Without hesitation I answered: mom. That surprised her. Everyone else she had asked had all answered with their fathers. I was the only one that answered differently. Continue reading